The Legend of Zelda

The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening Original Soundtrack [Limited Edition]

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Comprar The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening Original Soundtrack [Limited Edition] Limitada
Comprar The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening Original Soundtrack [Limited Edition] Limitada
Comprar The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening Original Soundtrack [Limited Edition] Limitada
Precio recomendado: 44,99
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Recíbelo entre el día 31.03.2025 y el día 07.04.2025
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Comprar The Legend Of Zelda: Link's Awakening Original Soundtrack [Limited Edition] en xtralife

Ficha técnica


Disc 1 (Nintendo Switch ver.)

01. Title (Opening Ver.)

02. Insert Name

03. Awake in Tarin's home

04. First Search

05. Owl

06. Get the Sword Fanfare

07. Field (First Time)

08. Field (Normal)

09. Mabe Village

10. Mysterious Forest

11. Fruit

12. Shop (Items, Magic Hag)

13. Fairy Fountain

14. Game Shop

15. Fishing Game

16. Fishing Game Hit

17. Indoor

18. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Marin A Cappella Ver.)

19. Cave

20. Dungeon 1 Tail Cave

21. Passage

22. Mid-boss Battle

23. Boss Battle

24. Boss Battle Victory Heart Get

25. Siren's Musical Instrument Fanfare

26. Siren's Musical Instrument Full Moon Violin

27. WanWan Rescue Mission

28. Mr. Write's House

29.Telephone Box

30. Dungeon 2 Genie Cave

31. Siren's Musical Instrument Spiral Shell Horn

32. Mad Batter's Lair

33. Richard's Villa

34. Kiki the Monkey's Gratitude

35. Dungeon Kanalet Castle

36. Seashell Palace

37. Dungeon 3 Key Cavern

38. Siren's Musical Instrument Sea Bell

39. Tarin chased by Bees

40. Animal Village

41. Christine House

42. Dream Shrine〜Entrance

43. Dream Shrine〜Sleep

44. Dream Shrine

45. Beach Marin

46. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Beach Ver.)

47. Field (Together with Marin Ver.) (First Time)

48. Field (Together with Marin Ver.) (Normal)

49. Mysterious Forest (Together with Marin Ver.)

50. Tal Tal Mountain Range (Together with Marin Ver.)

51. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Walrus Awake Ver.)

52. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Ocarina Instructions Ver.)

53. Tal Tal Mountain Range

54. Angler's Tunnel Opening

55. Dungeon 4 Angler's Tunnel

56. Siren's Musical Instrument Sea Roar Harp

57. Manbo's Mambo

58. House by the Bay

59. Fishing Under the Bridge

60. Dungeon 5 Catfish Big Mouth

61. Before the Crush

62.Siren's Musical Instrument Storm Marimba

63. Frog's Song of Soul

Disc 2 (Nintendo Switch ver.)

01. Southern Shrine

02. Dungeon 6 Face Shrine

03.Siren's Musical Instrument Coral Triangle

04. Color Dungeon

05. Resurrected Chicken

06. Chicken Hut

07. Tal Tal Mountain Range (Second Half Ver.)

08. Dungeon 7 Eagle's Tower

09. Boss Battle (Eagle's Tower Ver.)

10.Siren's Musical Instrument Evening Organ

11. Turtle Rock Battle

12. Dungeon 8 Turtle Rock

13. Siren's Musical Instrument Distant Thunder Drums

14. River Rapids

15. River Rapids Time Attack

16. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Musical Instrument Ver.)

17. Owl (Sacred Egg Ver.)

18. Sacred Egg

19. Shadow Battle Omen

20. Shadow Appearance〜Fight

21. Shadow Battle Ultimate Form

22. Shadow Battle Victory

23. Ascent

24. The Shadow Nightmares Appearance

25. Koholint Island Disappearance

26. Ending〜Staff Roll

27. Game Over

28. Title (No-Intro Ver.)

29. Ocarina (No Memory)

30. Ocarina「The Shadow Nightmares」

31. Ocarina「Manbo's Mambo」

32. Ocarina「Frog's Song of Soul」

33. Danpei House

34. Panel Dungeon Edit Mode

35. Panel Dungeon Beginner Level

36. Panel Dungeon Intermediate Level

37. Panel Dungeon Advanced Level

38. Panel Dungeon Shadow Link Battle

39. Panel Dungeon Results

40. Correct Solution Sound

41. Item Get Fanfare

42. Item Get Fanfare (Secret Seashell Ver.)

43. Important Item Get Fanfare

44. Important Item Get Fanfare (Gold Leaf Ver.)

45. Important Item Get Fanfare (Ocarina Ver.)

46. Hidden Enter Name BGM「Monkey」

47. Hidden Enter Name BGM「Marin」

48.Hidden Enter Name BGM「Zelda」

49.Hidden Richard's Villa BGM

50. Title (With Intro Ver.)

51. The Shadow Nightmares Song(TVCM Ver.) <Bonus Track>

Disc 3 (Game Boy ver.)

1. Shipwreck

2. Title (Opening Ver.)

3. Insert Name

4. Awake in Tarin's home

5. First Search

6. Owl

7. Get the Sword Fanfare

8. Field (First Time)

9. Field (Normal)

10. Mabe Village

11. Mysterious Forest

12. Fruit

13. Shop (Items, Magic Hag)

14. Fairy Fountain

15. Game Shop

16. Indoor

17. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Marin A Cappella Ver.)

18. Cave

19. Dungeon 1 Tail Cave

20. Passage

21. Mid-boss Battle

22. Boss Battle

23. Boss Battle Victory Heart Get

24. Siren's Musical Instrument Fanfare

25. Siren's Musical Instrument Full Moon Violin

26. WanWan Rescue Mission

27. Mr. Write's House

28. Telephone Box

29. Dungeon 2 Genie Cave

30. Siren's Musical Instrument Spiral Shell Horn

31. Richard's Villa

32. Kiki the Monkey's Gratitude

33. Dungeon Kanalet Castle

34. Dungeon 3 Key Cavern

35. Siren's Musical Instrument Sea Bell

36. Tarin chased by Bees

37. Animal Village

38. Christine House

39. Dream Shrine〜Entrance

40. Dream Shrine〜Sleep

41. Dream Shrine

42. Beach Marin

43. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Beach Ver.)

44. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Ocarina Instructions Ver.)

45. Tal Tal Mountain Range

46. Angler's Tunnel Opening

47. Dungeon 4 Angler's Tunnel

48. Siren's Musical Instrument Sea Roar Harp

49. Manbo's Mambo

50. House by the Bay

51. Fishing Under the Bridge

52. Dungeon 5 Catfish Big Mouth

53. Before the Crush

54. Siren's Musical Instrument Storm Marimba

55. Frog's Song of Soul

Disc 4 (Game Boy ver.)

1. Southern Shrine

2. Dungeon 6 Face Shrine

3. Siren's Musical Instrument Coral Triangle

4. Color Dungeon

5. Resurrected Chicken

6. Chicken Hut

7. Dungeon 7 Eagle's Tower

8. Boss Battle (Eagle's Tower Ver.)

9. Siren's Musical Instrument Evening Organ

10. Turtle Rock Battle

11. Dungeon 8 Turtle Rock

12. Siren's Musical Instrument Distant Thunder Drums

13. River Rapids

14. The Shadow Nightmares Song (Musical Instrument Ver.)

15. Sacred Egg

16. Shadow Battle Omen

17. Shadow Appearance〜Fight

18. Shadow Battle Victory

19. Ascent

20. Koholint Island Disappearance

21. Ending〜Staff Roll

22. Ending〜Staff Roll(DX Edition)

23. Game Over

24. Title (No-Intro Ver.)

25. Ocarina (No Memory)

26. Ocarina「The Shadow Nightmares」

27. Ocarina「Manbo's Mambo」

28. Ocarina「Frog's Song of Soul」

29. Correct Solution Sound

30. Item Get Fanfare

31.Important Item Get Fanfare

32. Lv2 Sword Get

33. Hidden Enter Name BGM「Monkey」

34. Hidden Enter Name BGM「Zelda」

35. Hidden Richard's Villa BGM

36. Title (With Intro Ver.)

Fabricante: Nippon Columbia

Ficha técnica


  • Nippon Columbia
Todos los productos, salvo indicación expresa, son de la versión PAL España comercializados para su venta en España.



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